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  • Tip of Médoc in Gironde
  • European Estuary
  • The Atlantic Ocean

Culture and heritage

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A découvrir dans les environs

Treasures yet to be discovered !

With 75 kilometers long, up to 12 kilometers wide, and an area of 635 km², the Gironde estuary is the largest estuary in Western Europe. The Gironde estuary has many islands. : nouvelle island, Pâté island, Verte island, Nord island, Margaux island, Macau island, Cazeau island an authentic landscape: Natural banks, squares placed at the edge of the water, typical trees of the “rosière”, which, by discovering themselves at the tide, evoke distant mangroves.

Lighthouses, colorful squares, markets and gastronomic heritage, with oysters and prawns from the Médoc or even “guinguettes”, small fishing ports and marshes, here are the essentials of the estuary.

Galantaise Cruises

Discover the treasures of the Gironde estuary, Cordouan & Patiras lighthouse, Talmont & Meschers with “La Galantaise de Croisières”.

Cordouan lighthouse “THE VERSAILLES OF THE SEAS”

Port Médoc 12 km away - Vedettes la Bohême
Cordouan has been listed as a historical monument since 1862; it is located off Verdon-sur-Mer and Royan. Then after climbing its 301 steps, make way for the show thanks to the 360° view, just under the lens.
A découvrir dans les environs

Some monuments are universally renowned and are part of the Iconics in Gironde like Fort Médoc. Let's not forget the Basilica of Notre-Dame-de-la-Fin-des-Terres (Soulac-sur-Mer), registered on the list of world heritage by UNESCO under the roads of Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle.

Others deserve to be known: wine castles, which are so many architectural jewels, Roman churches, medieval castles, mills, lighthouses, seaside resorts with their colorful villas, are to be discovered during many rewarding walks.

Within the perimeter of the Médoc Regional Natural Park, 6 sites deserve a spotlight: from Gallo-Roman antiquity to the Second World War, they bear witness to the rich history and heritage of the peninsula.

Parc Naturel Régional Médoc

Come and recharge your batteries and share time with friends or family at the pace of your desires ..

Natural Park Médoc